The Adventurous Meal

The Adventurous Meal

Wednesday, 31 August 2016


 Identifying a Supplier:
It is important to identify suppliers and compare their capabilities and prices.
Required specifications like the quality of the product, packaging, price of the product, and quantity, etc.

There should be open and transparent communication between the suppliers and the organization.    
The important factor in selecting the right supplier is the value.
Certain other criteria to select the suppliers are:
·         Customer service
·         Delivery commitments
·         Reliability
·         Responsiveness
·         Resource saving
·         Contingency planning

Measuring Supply Performance:

Before selecting the supplier, audit of their site or warehouse of the supplier should be conducted to ensure the warehouse is maintained up to the standard requirements and confirm they produce quality products and their compliance towards the safety standards. Also this audit will be beneficial to understand the strengths and weakness of the suppliers.

Parameters to be adhered by the suppliers are:

Shelf life of the products should be below the limits like
  • minimum 6 months expiry of Dry and frozen products and
  • fresh products should have minimum 3 days expiry.
Delivery vehicle should be clean and temperature controlled depending on the type of food items being delivered.
Dry products – (+18*C to +22*C)
Frozen products – (-18*C to -22*C)
Fresh/ Chilled products – (0*C to +5*C)
Storage of the ware house to be of industrial specification and adhering to legal requirements.
Even after the supplier has been selected and approved, periodical audits to assess each supplier’s performance should be conducted.

Achieve Certification:

Certification to be obtained for the successful performance of their supplies. This should also include the legal certificates for complying the legal laws which would help the better transactions of supplies. This proves that the supplier is certified and the goods supplied are of the required standards.

Developing Partnership

With stronger relationships the supplier anticipates the organizational requirements and the standards to be maintained which will curtail the delays in the service, quality issues, etc. This type of partnership allows for an increased understanding and mutual benefits for both parties

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