Heat Exhaustion usually occurs in a hot climate or a heat wave and it is
one of the heat-related conditions. The symptoms range in severity from mild
heat cramps to heat exhaustion to potentially life-threatening heatstroke. Heat
exhaustion can begin suddenly, usually after working in the heat, sweating heavily
or being dehydrated.
Heat exhaustion signs and symptoms include:
Nausea or vomiting
· Heavy sweating often accompanied by cold,
moist skin
Weak, fast pulse
Pale face
Muscle cramps
Weakness or fatigue
An untreated, heat exhaustion might
lead to heatstroke, which is a life-threatening condition.
The basic first aid measures to be
taken when there are signs of heat exhaustion
· Move the person out of the heat and make him lie down in a shady place
or in air conditioned room.
Lay the person down and elevate the legs and feet slightly.
Remove tight or heavy clothing.
Get the person drink to drink fluids like cool water or fruit juice.
Cool the person by sponging him with cool water and fanning.
Continue to monitor the person until he feels better.
If the condition worsens it is always better to call emergency services.
How to prevent Heat Exhaustion:
It can be prevented by taking precautions when it’s very hot.
Check for weather warnings for the potential heat dangers
If going out is inevitable, try to walk in shade
Wear light and loose fitting clothes
Keep yourself hydrated by drinking more fluids (water, fruit juices)
Take adequate rest whenever necessary