The Adventurous Meal

The Adventurous Meal

Saturday, 30 April 2016


“Having a positive safety culture indicates that your safety leaders are carrying out their role successfully”. Measurement forms an important part of the continuous improvement of any process.

Thou finding a perfect measure for safety is a difficult task, we at JIC measure our safety culture through the below:

·         Lead and Lag Indicators
·         Employee’s Surveys
·         Internal and external Audits

Lead and Lag Indicators

Lead indicators are business metrics centered on safety behavior that recognizes It includes;
future safety performance.

·         Competency-based Training
·         Toolbox discussions dealing with Safety
·         Plant, Equipment and Site inspections and Audits

Lead indicators help us to improve the safety culture in our business by informing us about whether we can do more to improve safety behavior and performance.

Lag indicators are business metrics that identify past safety performance. It includes;

·         Near misses (i.e. an injury that could have occurred but didn’t eventuate)
·         Lost time injuries (i.e. when a worker is unable to work due to an injury)
·    Medical treatment injury (i.e. injuries requiring medical treatment, including first aid and hospital treatment)

Note: Lag indicators should also include information on how past safety incidents arose and the controls that have been implemented to prevent them from happening again.

Employee’s Surveys

An Employee’s survey is conducted by our HSE department to determine the employees’ level of knowledge in safety culture and how well this knowledge is executed at the work place during any emergency situations.

Internal and External Audits

Through internal and external audits, we determine whether our systems and processes are in line with the best practices in health and safety.

Our internal audits are conducted by trained personnel and external audits are conducted by an independent health and safety auditor.

All these measures are taken to make sure that there will not be any untoward incidents at workplace and the safety becomes the priority of every employee.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Tips for buying computer software

Here are few tips that are to be considered when you purchase computer software


Whenever you buy an application make sure that there isn’t any competing program which can come for free or cheaper price. If that kind of software is available with the same features but at a lesser price, then purchase it.

Proper documentation of the online software purchased should be included. Nowadays the online documentation included is sufficient. However it is helpful to obtain a user manual for the software application or program

It is mandatory to obtain the software licenses, a software purchased is used in a company for its employees, to install in each computer. Incase if the software purchased doesn’t have a proper license then it would be illegal and can cause the company to face a criminal lawsuit.
As the software prices change often, it is advisable to check for the price at different locations, sometimes it helps in saving so much money if you are getting it at a cheaper price.

These tips helps in buying software from reliable sources at a much competitive price

Importance of Manpower Planning

The process where the right number of people at the right place can efficiently perform the given tasks within the set timelines and thus achieving the overall objectives of an organization is manpower planning. A clear planning is required for the required manpower.

Why is manpower planning essential:

The manpower planning is essential as it maintains the balance between the demand and supply of required manpower to complete the required tasks in order to achieve the organizational objectives.

At JIC we follow a procedure where we analyze the current manpower and forecast the future man power requirement and as per the analysis and requirement we hire the right candidates for the required job role.

We perform a gap analysis comparing the current requirement and the projected manpower requirement. This analysis requires the details of the specific number of employees required. The steps to be taken to train the employees, skill set required to undertake the various job roles in our company.  

Our strategic planning helps to create various programs to facilitate the actual implementation of the gap analysis results. These programs are used to impart the required skills to the employees for better performance.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Mobile Security Awareness

A smartphone is like a small portable computer, just like the way a computer gets infected with virus, getting hacked and if it is unsecured it can also provide access to your personal information the same way a smartphone can get infected.

Few simple tips to keep your mobile secured at all the times:

-       Read the mobile operating instructions manual carefully. The security setting, pin settings, infrared settings etc. this helps to keep your mobile secured from malicious programs.

-       Set a pin which is unpredictable yet easy to remember.

-       Note the IMEI code of your mobile. This number helps to prevent the access to the stolen mobile. Using the IMEI number the operator can block the mobile.

-       Do not make your mobile a source of personal data, it is always dangerous to loose important data to strangers.

-       Define your own trusted devices which can be connected to your mobile through Bluetooth

-       While downloading applications through Bluetooth or MMS attachments, one should be careful as it might contain harmful software which will affect the mobile.

-       Regularly, backup important data in the mobile phone.

-       Avoid downloading content from any untrusted sources

-       Use free cleansing tools that are available on the internet to clean the malicious software in your mobile.

How to Reconcile the Cash Book in Financial Accounting

Cash book reconciliation is very essential to know the actual available balance that can be used for business. The reconciliation should be done with the basis of the bank statements

Here are a few basic steps to reconcile the cash book:

-       Compare the transactions made in the cashbook with the bank statement by checking each corresponding transaction with a check mark distinguishing the unappeared transactions in both the statements

-       While calculating the adjusted bank statement, the transactions like cheque deposited but not cleared in bank should be added. The cheques that are in hand and the cheques received but not deposited to be deducted.

-       Deduct any bank charges, add interest earned, direct deposits from the clients and from various receivables that are in the bank, while calculating the adjusted cash book balance.

-       Make appropriate journal entries for the adjustments discussed above, then only the balances will match.

-       The adjusted bank statement and the adjusted cash book balances should be equal. Then the reconciliation process is successful.

Tips for online interview

Whenever we at JIC have a job opening, we post it in our social media channels and get applications from different parts of the world.

Some of best applications received might be from a different place where we cannot interview the person directly. Instead we took to online interview option to fulfill the available vacancy.

Here are few tips for a successful online interview:

Be prepared:

Keep a paper and pen ready in case you want to write down the questions. Do your homework thoroughly on the subject matter. Answer the questions with clarity and confidence.

Practice the online interview:

Before the interview starts adjust the camera and place in an appropriate place where you are clearly seen. It will be very uncomfortable to adjust the camera when the interview is in progress. If the online interview is not a familiar thing with you, practice talking in front of the camera or your computer screen, this will clear your discomfort.

Dress appropriately:

Even though you might not go to the office for the interview, you should dress appropriately and make sure wherever you are sitting for the interview that room is lit well. Keep away all your unwanted things behind you as they might reflect poorly on you.

Facial Expressions and Appearance:

Facial expressions count a lot, it plays an important role in your interview success. Your preparedness for the interview questions and your body language while reciprocating to the responses will also add onto your success.

Demonstrate energy and enthusiasm:  

If the question is not heard or understood properly you cannot answer it hence be bold in asking to repeat the questions if required. Answer all the questions with enthusiasm.

Make sure you are prepared for the interview and perform well for a successful job.

Friday, 1 April 2016

Work Place Hazards

What is a workplace hazard?

Anything unsafe or unhealthy at workplace leads to hazards. Identifying the hazards at workplace is very essential to safeguard the employees from the potential hazards.

Thou it is hard to expect the unexpected hazards; our team at JIC constantly inspects the workplace thoroughly.

Generally hazards arise from the following aspects:

·         Physical work environment 
·         Equipment, materials and substances used
·         Work tasks and how they are performed 
·         Work design and management

Some hazards might be part of the work process, like various hazards in our working kitchen, hazards during performing the work, through equipment’s used chemical spills etc.                  
During our regularly inspections we observe the surroundings, we look at how people actually work, how the equipment is used, what chemicals are used around and what they are used for, what safe or unsafe work practices exist and also check the general state of housekeeping.

Things we look out for includes the following:

·         Is the work environment enabling workers to carry out work without risks to health and safety.
·         Are the tools and equipment used is suitable for the task and how well are they maintained
·         Any changes have occurred in the workplace that may affect health and safety

Hazards are not always obvious. Some hazards can affect health over a long period of time.
As we walk around, we spot problems that are straightforward and action can be taken immediately, for example cleaning up a spill.

If a situation is found where there is immediate or significant danger to people, immediate action like shifting workers to a safer location first and then attend to the hazard immediately is taken.

A list of potential hazards and also the existing hazards is made to ensure nothing is missed. To monitor this a Risk Assessment Template is made where in all the work related hazards are identified and the control measures taken and the preventive action taken to mitigate the workplace hazards.