The Adventurous Meal

The Adventurous Meal

Tuesday, 29 September 2015


At Al Jazeera International Catering LLC we developed an “INCIDENT FREE” culture. A strategy to make our workplace Incident Free for our employees’ safety and security and creating an awareness of the work related hazards they might face in their day to day work.          
Report Incidents

A small incident like cuts, burns or injuries when occurred at work place is reported through the incident report by filling the incident investigation form.The incident irrelevant of big or small is investigated by the HSET department analyzing the root cause of the incidents and relating it to the existing control measures and identifies the corrective preventive action to mitigate such type of occurrence in future.

Any reported incidents are immediately shared in the departmental meeting or tool box talks etc., making aware of the occurrence of the situations and ensuring that the repetition of the same incident does not occur in the future.

In our Catering, Housekeeping and Laundry Services, all the work related activities and the equipment used for the work is identified as risk, taking this into consideration Risk Assessment Template is made identifying the hazards with appropriate control measures to mitigate the incident occurrence.

We follow these steps to make our work area free from incidents:

Involve Employees:

All our employees have to undergo Health and Safety induction on the topics which are identified as risk in their routine Jobs. A Health and safety manual is created describing the existing preventive measures identified for the Health and Safety of Employees.

HSET (Health and Safety Environment Training Department) implemented procedures and policies to keep the work area free from incidents, communicates the work place hazards through daily TBT talks and regular training and continuously monitors. The training is provided to the employees by using different training tools like PowerPoint presentations, Video modules, Practical classes, Mock drills etc.,

Review Prior Incidents:

We managed to reduce the incidents at our workplace through an effective tool called Risk Assessment Template (RAT).

What is RAT?

Risk Assessment Template (RAT) is the Identification, Evaluation and Estimation of the levels of risk involved in a situation.

All the risks involved in the operations are identified with Risk, appropriate Control measures are implemented and the staff is educated on the same to create an incident free workplace.

In Case the repeated incidents are occurred it is a clear indication that the current risk assessment for that particular hazard is not effective. The effective control measures are identified by discussing with the Emergency Response Team for that particular hazard and the Risk Assessment Template is revised. the same is communicated to the staff for effective implementation.

Emergency Response Team

JIC has identified the potential candidates who could handle emergency situations and provided them training through approved external agencies on First Aid and Fire Fighting and later formed “Emergency Response Team”.

The First Aiders and fire Fighters are made available 24/7 with in the JIC operations to ensure the Health and Safety of JIC employees.Frequent inspections are conducted by the ERT and HSET teams to ensure all the safety systems installed within the JIC premises are in good condition.


JIC believes building an INCIDENT FREE Culture and team safety behaviors will always help to further develop the organization with increased productivity, higher morale, real savings, reduce accidents, minimize insurance claims and reduce absenteeism and turnover.

Tips to control food wastage in food service industry

Food waste affects every food service sector; and also has a detrimental impact on environment.

From where is the waste generated:

The food waste is generated from a various sources like
-          Pre-production waste (Ex: Vegetable peeling, meat, chicken and fish waste)
-        Post-production waste (Ex: food prepared in excess quantity, food wasted by the customers   (Plate waste))
-          Ordering Excess stock (pilferage, perishable goods, near to expiry date goods)
-          Mishandling and packaging failure
-          Used cooking oils

Even the best run food service kitchens have food waste; the point here is to work on food waste reduction before considering how best to dispose of unavoidable waste.

By taking a few simple steps like having a well organized management system to control and monitor the waste produced will help in food waste reduction:

-          Pre-production food waste :

The pre production waste can be reduced by the purchase of frozen cut vegetables; these vegetables are cleaned and hygienically packed which can be directly used for cooking purpose. This helps in unnecessary vegetable peel wastage.

-          Post-production food waste:

Estimating the correct requirement to cook the required food is essential to reduce the food wastage.

Ensuring the ingredients and the raw material required for food production is purchased in the required quantity to meet the demand.
Consumers demand more food for lesser price, irrelevant of the food service industry. A full plate of food generally gets an impression of getting more food for the money spent, irrespective of the actual need for the consumption, which finally leads to food wastage.
This impression can be reduced by using smaller rimmed plates, as opposed to larger winged plates which will give an impression of a larger meal, without using more food.

-          Maintaining Excess Stock:

Making a smart material request for perishable goods and avoiding oil pilferage etc will help in cost and food waste. Consider ordering fruits and vegetables on daily basis, required for the consumption for that particular day. 

Ensure effective stock rotation for the perishable and near to expiry food products by following First in First out (FIFO) and First Expiry First out (FEFO) method of stock issuance.

Reducing food waste makes good business sense! Hence organize a successful waste management system to minimize the waste and utilize the existing waste in a best possible way.

Sunday, 27 September 2015


JIC’s very unique approach towards their customers, is catering to their food needs. 
At JIC we cater to different nationalities, keeping in mind their taste bud compliance. The food prepared by the production staff is like a homely taste giving an ultimate “Home away from Home food experience”. Our style of service influences the type and varieties of food we offer.

The style of service we provide at our work sites is “Cafeteria Service” which is similar to a buffet. Our guests stand in line but do not help themselves. They are served by our service staff from behind the buffet line. The salads are kept in the self service area.

Our food service area is categorized into 3 categories (Workers, Technicians and Supervisors) each dining area has a seating capacity of 3000 people. It is a herculean task to cater to 9000 people each meal, but our well trained staff arranged the seating in such a manner that there is exact spacing between the tables which makes it easy for the people to settle and have their meal comfortably.

Food warmers are installed to maintain the temperature of food Bain Maries. The temperature is monitored and recorded by using the Food Thermometer (probe Thermometer) thus ensuring safe and hot food is served to their valuable customers.

Well washed and cleaned plates and glasses are stacked for backup in the service counter.

Our staff are well trained to handling any kind of situations at a given point of time. The staff is provided with adequate training and refreshers training to ensure that they are in line with the standard procedures followed at JIC. Below are few of the training topics provided to the staff:
1. Customer Handling
2. Dining Etiquettes
3.’A’ la Carte Service
4. Buffet Service
5. Personality Development
Live examples and practical classes along with enactment of scenarios on Handling customer complaints and the services are explained through on the Job Training and Class room trainings. These sessions help our service staff to handle any kind of situations faced.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

How to safeguard your Face book account

Face book has become a very vital part in most of our lives. It gets us connected to the rest of the world and gives us current updates of our friends and family . We login to Face book every day through so many devices, like phone, tab, laptop or though desktop. When one logs in through so many devices at different times there is a tendency to leave the face book without logging out resulting in gaining access to strangers.

To prevent the access to your account by another person follow these simple steps.

 Activate Login Notifications

Login notifications are an extra security feature in Face book.  When you turn on login notifications, Face book sends an alert each time someone logs into your account from a new place.

To turn on notifications

-                     Go to your security setting

-                     Click on the Login Notification section

-                     Check the box next to the type of alerts you’d like to receive and save your changes


Activate Login Approval
Login approvals is an extended security feature offered by Face book, it requires you to enter a security code each time you try to access your Face book account from unrecognized devices.

To activate Login Approvals

-         Go to Account Settings
-         Security
-         Look for login approvals
-         Click the Edit button

Create an Unguessable Password

When you create a random password you increase your security and decrease the chance of getting access to your face book account by another user or software.

The password created may be a string of random character like !c0lAx%ip& and the longer the password the better.

Do not enter your login info into an App inside Face book

Some applications on Face book require your face book username and password. Do not enter your details as these might applications might be malicious. Stay away from these applications. 

Don’t keep me logged in
When you login to your face book account, at the Log in page, there’s a small checkbox that says keep me logged in. Make sure you uncheck this box and log in as usual. If you do this every time you log in to your face book account you will be asked for your email and password.

Always Log out

Log out if you know that there is possibility for someone else to use the same computer as you.

Hope these steps will help you maintain a safe face book account

Health effects of a shift worker

Shift work basically refers to evening shifts, overnight or shifts that are designated by the employer. Shift work is commonly found in food service industries, health services, call centres etc.,
Working in shifts has its own difficulties that sets it apart from the regular working hours. However, working in shifts create potential productive advantages, it also has many risks. The shift work can increase the risk of illness and effect the overall health of the employees.  Some of the serious problems that occur because of shift work is sleep disturbance or excessive sleepiness, depression, high risk of stress levels, heart diseases and stroke.
Regardless of the shift work timings, the workers can still stay healthy by following few simple steps.
-       As shift workers are sleep deprived, to cope us with this disorder create a quiet and dark atmosphere during the sleep time to get sound sleep.

-      The appetite for high calorie food goes up while working in shifts, resulting in high possibility for heart disease and diabetes. To overcome this eat small, high protein meals often. Avoid snacks and junk food to be saved from weight gain as well.

-      The possible risk of accidents at work place for overnight shift worker is 50% high than compared to the worker working in regular working hours. To avoid this scenario ask for help while lifting or doing something risky while working in the shift. While on shift the worker tends to get tired, so take breaks during those hours.  you tend to get tired

-      Working in shifts cannot be done by everyone. However if the shift worker wants to tolerate the hours, the worker has to make sure he exercises as per the need and eat nutritious food.
-          The worker should get enough sleep to stay alert on the job and be healthy and safe.