The Adventurous Meal

The Adventurous Meal

Sunday, 9 April 2017

World Health Day 2017 at JIC

World Health Day this year is centered on the theme “Depression: Let’s talk”. Each year World Health day highlights a specific aspect of Health related campaigns, this year it is “Depression: Let’s talk”.

Depression affects people from all walks of life and to people of all ages. It causes mental agony and impacts on the ability to carry out even the simplest tasks; it can also lead to suicide another major cause of deaths.  It can be prevented and treated, when a better understanding of what depression is derived and the steps taken to reduce the pain and stigma it is associated with. 

We at JIC celebrated World Health Day on 07/04/2017 and a brief talk was held on focusing the topic “Depression Let’s Talk”.  In continuation to the topic, some tips on how to get relieved from stress and depression through laughter therapy was also shared.

Friday, 31 March 2017


How is Water Borne diseases caused?

These diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms which are commonly spread in contaminated fresh water.

The microbes are derived usage of water for cleaning, washing, human and animal wastes, natural pollutants etc.

Because of this polluted water various forms of waterborne diarrheal diseases occur. 

Most common water-borne diseases are: Typhoid fever, malaria, dysentery, diarrhea, cholera, hepatitis, etc.


Water body contaminated with sewage or waste water is most likely to possess pathogenic microbes fatal to humans when consumed and these microbes may be bacteria, virus or protozoa. E. coli, Salmonella, Pseudomonas, Campylobacter and Shigella (are some of the bacterial pathogens in water), Enterovirus, Noravirus, rota virus (are some of the viral pathogens), Entamoeba, Giardia lamblia are examples of possible parasitic pathogens in the water.

There are many water borne pathogenic diseases identified like amoebiasis, giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis, SARS, hepatitis A, botulism, cholera, dysentery, E.coli infection, typhoid etc. posing potential health risk and many analytical methods has been derived to detect the presence of such pathogens in the drinking water. 

Here are several ways to prevent water-borne diseases:
·         Drink only filtered/boiled water.
·         Store water in a clean container,
·         Water jars/containers should be washed daily.
·         Consume warm and home cooked foods while avoiding street foods.
·         Always store foods/beverages covered.
·        Make sure that the pipes and tanks that supply water to your house are properly maintained and clean.
·         Travelers should only drink bottled water.
·         People suffering from water-borne diseases should not go to work until fully recovered to avoid spreading.

Deep Freeze to Restore Your PC on Boot

Ever wished you could undo all the changes you have made to your PC at home? Or maybe you would like to install some software on your system to test it before purchasing, but you don’t know exactly what it will do to your system?
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just restart your computer and all the changes made were simply wiped out? Luckily, there is a way to do this using a program called Deep Freeze by Faronics.
Features and Benefits
What does this program do
Basically, it makes it so that anything you do to your computer can be fixed by just rebooting the machine. Want to delete the entire System32 folder? Go for it. Randomly delete keys from your registry? Not a problem. Install malware and viruses on your system? It’ll be gone after a reboot!

The last point there about viruses brings up one limitation of the Deep Freeze program. Basically, it acts like a reset for your computer hard drive. When it reboots, it gets reloaded to the last frozen state. This means a virus or worm installed will definitely be removed on reboot, but it could cause damage to other systems until the next reboot happens.

How to maintain proper asset depreciation schedule

Every company has its own policy on how to record its fixed assets face value during the books of accounts closing. Most of the accountants maintain the assets schedule in an excel worksheet showing the allocation of depreciation value for its fixed asset items. But first the following criteria, has to be considered in which the particular fixed assets is being depreciated based on the useful life of the asset.  Policy has to be defined as per the useful life of the particular assets. 

Particular asset could be estimated as in workable condition for the next 5 years (i.e., Vehicle, Equipments etc.,) The estimated useful life of the assets can also be re-assessed whether the useful life of it can be extended for another year or so on.

Below is the basic way of calculating a particular asset and depreciation schedule preparation:


Assuming company ABC purchased a Motor Vehicle on 15/1/17 at a value of 100,000.00 and has an estimated useful life for 5 years. The best method of calculating is accelerated depreciation method or evenly over the useful life of the asset.

Calculation Formula
Jan (31 days)
Feb(28 days)
Mar (31 days)
Apr (30 days)
May (31 days)
June (30 days)
July (31 days)
Aug (31 days)
Sept (30 days)
Oct (31 days)
Nov (30 days)
Dec (31 days)
Accumulated Depreciation as on

Acquisition Cost

Book Value as on December 31, 2017